Tek Odaklı
RX Gözlük Camları

Uzak veya yakın görüş ihtiyacı için ayrı tasarlanmış gözlük camlarıdır.

Personalized and compensated Freeform that provides improved peripheral clarity by up to 30% in single vision prescriptions

Asfera Single Vision Lenses More

Especially designed for users of electronic devices, smart phones, tablets. This is a personalized single vision, high resolution lens, enhanced with Digital Beam Wave Technology that considers the fact of different vision needs for people that uses far and near distances.

Asfera Mobile Single Vision LensesMore

Single vision personalized lens especially designed for curved frames. Guaranteed high precision vision for sport frames thanks to the Digital Beam Wave Technology. The swimming effect is eliminated caused by sport activities due to this technology. When a lens is tilted the visual quality experienced by the eye becomes diffuse, not clear for all directions of sights.

Asfera Sport Single Vision LensesMore

Base expectation of automobile drivers from an ophthalmic lens is to be able to check the rearview mirror with minimum head movement.

Asfera Drive Single Vision LensesMore

Gözlük Camı

Myopi-X, miyopinin hızlı ilerlediği çocuk ve genç yaş gurubunda uygulandığında, ilerlemeyi kontrol altına alan, yapay zeka kullanılarak üretilen ilk gözlük camı tasarımıdır.

Myopi–X is the first lens design produced using artificial intelligence, designed by NOVAX to control the progression of myopia. The Myopi–X design consists of rings with decreasing Myopic value towards the peripheral area.

Myopi-X Single Vision LensesMore

Tek Odaklı
RX Gözlük Camları

Farklı materyal ve özelliklerde, reçete edilen değerlerin ISO standartlarına ve CE direktiflerine uygun olarak, free form teknolojisi ile üretilen gözlük camlarıdır.

Single vision index of 1.50 2.1 times more lighter than 1.50 index mineral glasss material.

Ancor Single Vision LensesMore

SMI 1.58 lens material is up to 40% thinner than the standard 1.50 material index.

SMI Single Vision LensesMore

COSMEX 1.61 AS lens material is up to 45% thinner than the 1.50 material index.

Cosmex Single Vision LensesMore

Ultral 1.67 AS lens material is up to 60% thinner than the 1.50 material index.

Ultral Single Vision LensesMore

MAJOR 1.74 AS index material is the thinnest material available.

Major Single Vision LensesMore

TRIVEX 1.53 lens material index is up to 30% thinner than the the standard 1.50 material.

Trivex Single Vision LensesMore

The sun protection from 100% of harmful UV rays.

Transitions Single Vision LensesMore

Polarized lenses corrects image distortion caused by various reflections, providing improved contrast and improved viewing.

Npolar Single Vision LensesMore